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International Investments

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Key information in 2017

All amounts in € thousands unless otherwise stated

Highlights 2017

Total return international portfolio of 10.0% over 2017 (excl. exchange rate results), Europe 10,9%; North America 6,2%, Asia Pacific 16,2%
• Bouwinvest International Investments increased the overall sustainable investments score, 34% of the total portfolio (NAV) is rated 4 or 5 stars (2016: 20%).
• A total of EUR 362 mln new commitments were signed in 2017.
• Assets under management to €2.7 billion and expected to grow in


Allocation by sector

Allocation by region

Diversification by asset class

Listed vs non-listed

Total assets under management

Size portfolio (total portfolio, in € million)

Portfolio movements

Portfolio movements actual 2017 (in € million)

Result International Investments

Investment performance after fee excluding currency results

Selection of key properties

Key properties